עברית Русский
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Глава 10
Глава 11

Урок №1 - Упражнения



1.     How many seasons are there in one year?

a.     3

b.     6

c.      12

d.     4


2.     Which of these words is synonymous with "finally"?   

(Synonymous = синонимы, слова близкие по значению)

a.     Immediately

b.     Meanwhile

c.      Eventually

d.     During


3.     The meaning of which of these words is “пока еще”? (meaning = значение)

a.     So far

b.     Yet

c.      Still

d.     Answers 'b' and 'c' are correct


4.     How would you say “Я завершу это на следующей неделе”?

a.     I'll finish it in next week

b.     I'll finish it within a week

c.      I'll finish it next week

d.     I'll finish it a week ago


5.     How would you say “Я был там два года назад”?

a.     I was there two years earlier

b.     I was there two years ago

c.      I was there before two years

d.     I was there two years before


6.     How would you say “Я буду там через 20 минут”?

a.     I'll be there in twenty minutes

b.     I'll be there twenty minutes from now

c.      I'll be there once twenty minutes

d.     Answers 'a' and 'b' are correct


7.     Which of these words mean часто”? (to mean = означать)

a.     Often

b.     Seldom

c.      Never

d.     Answers 'a' and 'b' are correct


8.     How would you say "I usually remember stuff like that" in Russian (русский язык)?

a.     Я обычно помню такие вещи

b.     Я никогда не помню таких вещей

c.      Я часто вспоминаю такие вещи

d.     Я иногда вспоминаю такие вещи


9.     Rephrase the sentence "Every time I call you, you say you're busy"

(To rephrase = перефразировать, busy = занят)

a.     Since I call you, you say you're busy

b.     Always I call you, you say you're busy

c.      Soon I call you, you say you're busy

d.     Whenever I call you, you say you're busy


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Daily word list:  (список слов на сегодня)


Nouns:  (существительные)

зажигалка = lighter

возраст = age

линия, номер автобуса = line

автобусная остановка = bus stop

пакет = pack

сигарета = cigarette


Verbs:   (глаголы)

присоединиться = to join

добавлять = to add

зажечь = to light

восхищаться = to admire


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