עברית Русский
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Lesson 2 - Exercise



1.     How would you say "Я должен был знать" in English? (to know -> knew -> known )

a.     I should know

b.     I was should to know

c.      I should have known

d.     I should knew


2.     What is the best translation for "Пока что, ему не удалось сбежать" in your opinion?

(Opinion  = мнение)

a.     So far, he hasn't been able to escape

b.     So far, he could not have escaped

c.      So far, he couldn't escape

d.     So far, he must have not escaped


3.     How would you say "Это могло случиться с каждым" in English?

a.     It could happen to anyone

b.     It might happen to anyone

c.      It could have happened to anyone

d.     It has been able to happen to anyone


4.     How would you ask "Почему она еще не решила?" in English?

a.     Why hasn't she decided?

b.     Why she has not decided yet?

c.      Why she hasn't decided yet?

d.     Why has she not decided yet?


5.     How would you say "Мы уже делали это однажды, разве нет?" in English?

a.     We already did it once, didn't we?

b.     We already did it once, haven't we?

c.      We have already done it once, haven't we?

d.     We've already did it once, haven't we?


6.     How would you say "Мне давали дополнительные лекарства в последнее время" in English? ( additional = дополнительный)

a.     I have given additional medications lately

b.     I was given additional medications lately

c.      I have been given additional medications lately

d.     I have been giving additional medications lately


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