עברית Русский
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Глава 11

Lesson 7 - Exercise



1.     Which of the following verbs is not written correctly?

a.     To begin -> began -> begun

b.     To teach -> teached -> taught

c.      To hide -> hid -> hidden

d.     To sell -> sold -> sold


2.     How would you translate the sentence "I had the car fixed" to Russian?

 (To fix = чинить)

a.     У меня была починенная машина

b.     Моя машина починена

c.      Я позаботился о том, чтобы машину починили

d.     Мою машину починят


3.     How would you ask "Кто стал бы делать такое своей собственной семье?"? (be politically correct)

a.     Who would do that to his own family?

b.     Who would do that to their own family?

c.      Who would do that to his or her own family?

d.     Answers 'b' and 'c' are correct


4.     What is the closest (not necessarily literal [дословный]) translation to the sentence:

"Можно (ошибочно) истолковать это как угрозу"( to interpret = истолковать)

a.     It can be interpreted as a threat

b.     One might interpret it as a threat

c.      It is possible to interpret it as a threat

d.     All answers are correct


5.     The phrase (выражение) "to make up one's mind" means "решать (ся)".

How would you say "я решился" using these words?

a.     I have decided (to decide = решать)

b.     I've made up his mind

c.      I've made up my mind

d.     I've made up one's mind


6.     How would you say "Я думаю, некоторые со мной согласятся" in English?

a.     I think some would agree with me

b.     I think there are that agree with me

c.      I think many would agree with me

d.     Answers 'b' and 'c' are correct


7.     How would you say "Мы имели привычку слушать эту музыку, когда мы были подростками" in English?

 Teenager = подросток

a.     We are used to listen to that music when we were teenagers

b.     We got used to listen to that music when we were teenagers

c.      We used to listen to that music when we were teenagers

d.     We were used to listen to that music when we were teenagers


8.     How would you say "Привыкай к этому" in English?

a.     Be used to it

b.     Used to it

c.      Get used to it

d.     Being used to it


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