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Lesson 8 – Exercise



1.     How would you say "Мой брат, который уже побывал в Таиланде, вчера полетел туда снова" in English?

  Thailand = Таиланд

a.     My brother that has already been to Thailand flew there again yesterday

b.     My brother, which has already been to Thailand, flew there again yesterday

c.      My brother, who had already been to Thailand, flew there again yesterday

d.     My brother, whom had already been to Thailand, flew there again yesterday


2.     How would you ask "Где письмо, которое он тебе послал?" in English?

a.     Where is the letter that he sent you?

b.     Where is the letter, which he sent you?

c.      Where is the letter he sent you?

d.     Answers 'a' and 'c' are correct


3.     How would you say "Это моя бывшая девушка, которую я не видел с тех пор, как мы расстались"?

a.     That's my ex-girlfriend, whom I haven't seen since we broke up

b.     That's my ex-girlfriend, whose I haven't seen since we broke up

c.      That's my ex-girlfriend, who I haven't seen since we broke up

d.     That's my ex-girlfriend, which I haven't seen since we broke up


4.     How would you say "Это салон, который также является местом, где ты будешь спать" in English? ( living room)

a.     This is the living room, that is also where you will be sleeping

b.     This is the living room, who is also where you will be sleeping

c.      This is the living room, whose also where you will be sleeping

d.     This is the living room, which is also where you will be sleeping


5.     Translate the sentence:

"That technician, whose time you're wasting, costs us 50$ an hour"

a.     Этот техник, который тратит время, обходится нам в 50 $ в час

b.     Этот техник, на которого ты тратишь время, обходится нам в 50 $ в час

c.      Этот техник, время которого ты тратишь, обходится нам в 50$ в час

d.     Этот техник просто “пустая трата времени” и обходится нам в 50 $ в час


6.     How would you say "Это здание, вокруг которого я бегаю каждое утро" in English? ( building)

a.     This is the building whose I jog around each morning

b.     This is the building whom I jog around each morning

c.      This is the building around who I jog each morning

d.     This is the building around which I jog each morning


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