עברית Русский
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Lesson 2 - Exercise



1.     How would you say:

“Не трать свое время на этот игровой автомат. Ты проиграешь 50 долларов прежде чем выиграешь 20”

Тратить = to spend –> spent –> spent , машина (в данном случае игровой автомат) = machine

a.     Don't waste your money on this machine. You will spend 50 dollars before you win 20

b.     Don't waste your money on this machine. You will be spending 50 dollars before you win 20

c.      Don't waste your money on this machine. You will have spent 50 dollars before you win 20

d.     Don't waste your money on this machine. You spent 50 dollars before you will win 20


2.     Translate the following sentence to English:

“Лучше полить цветы перед уходом, иначе они завянут до того, как мы вернемся домой”

a.     We had better water the flowers before we go. Otherwise, they will die by the time we get home

b.     We had better water the flowers before we go. Otherwise, they have been dead by the time we get home

c.      We had better water the flowers before we go. Otherwise, they have died by the time we get home

d.     We had better water the flowers before we go. Otherwise, they will have died by the time we get home


3.     How would you say "Я разрешу тебе зайти внутрь только после того, как ты помоешь свои ботинки"?

 to clean up = мыть,  shoe = ботинок

a.     I will let you get inside only after you clean up your shoes

b.     I let you get inside only after you will have cleaned up your shoes

c.      I will let you get inside only after you have cleaned up your shoes

d.     I will let you get inside only after you cleaned up your shoes


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