עברית Русский
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Глава 11

Lesson 5 - Exercise



1.     The word "citizen" means "гражданин". How would you say "гражданство" in English?

a.     Citizens

b.     Citizenize

c.      Encitizen

d.     Citizenship


2.     How would you say "Техник решил проблему" in English? ( technique = техника)

a.     The technical solved the problem

b.     The technician solved the problem

c.      The technique-guy solved the problem

d.     The technology solved the problem


3.     How would you say "родительство (быть мамой или папой)” in English?

a.     Parenthood

b.     Parents

c.      Parentist

d.     Parent


4.     Which of the following is incorrect?

a.     Carpenter -> carpentry = столяр -> столярный

b.     Mason -> masonry = строитель -> строительство

c.      Place -> placery = место –> местный

d.     Cavalier -> cavalry = кавалер -> кавалерия


5.     How would you say "сионист" in English? ( Zion = город Сион)

a.     Zionist

b.     Zionism

c.      Zionry

d.     Zionhood


6.     How would you say "американское посольство" in English? ( embassy = посольство)

a.     The America embassy

b.     The Americans embassy

c.      American's embassy

d.     The American embassy


7.     How would you say "Французы проиграли войну" in English?

a.     The Frenches lost the war

b.     The France lost the war

c.      The French lost the war

d.     Answers 'a' and 'c' are correct


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