עברית Русский

Lesson 6 - Exercise



1.  How would you say "дъчщшъй амйе азшй щчйбмъй аъ ддегтд"? (цmessage = дегтд)

A.      I had called him after I got the message

B.      I called him after I have gotten the message

C.      I called him after I got the message

D.      I called him after I had gotten the message


2.  How would you say "дййъй тсеч тг щмщен" in English? (ц busy = тсеч)

A.      I was busy until two days ago

B.      I have been busy until two days ago

C.      I had been busy until two days ago

D.      I'm busy until two days ago


3.  How would you say "деа ба дбйъд едмк мзгш щме" in English?

A.      He came home and went to his room

B.      He has come home and went to his room

C.      He had come home and went to his room

D.      He had come home and had gone to his room


4.  How would you ask:

"дан ай фтн могъ арвмйъ мфрй щисъ машцеъ дбшйъ щрд щтбшд?"

ашцеъ дбшйъ = US = United States ц

A.      Had you ever studied English before you had moved to the US last year?

B.      Have you ever studied English before you moved to the US last year?

C.      Had you ever studied English before you moved to the US last year?

D.      Did you ever study English before you had moved to the US last year?


5.  "How would you say "ма йлемъй ммлъ олйееп щдощйод тгййп ма дещмод" in English?

A.      I wasn't able to leave because the task didn't complete yet

B.      I couldn't leave because the task was not completed yet

C.      I couldn't leave because the task had not yet been completed

D.      I hadn't been able to leave because the task was not yet completed


Reveal answers ц 

 мзце >> лап << мзжшд мъчцйш йзйгъ дмйоег

мойгд босмем айщй
осмем айщй оеъан тбешлн: зййве 0722-460-460
[мйгйтд домад]