עברית Русский

Lesson 3 - Exercise



1.  How would you say "ан дййъ ббйъ тлщйе, дййъ цефд бимеейжйд" in English?

A.      If you were home now, you would watch television

B.      If you was home now, you would watched television

C.      If you were home now, you would be watching television

D.      If you were home now, you would have watched television


2.  How would you say "дййре овйтйн дбйъд оечгн йеъш, ан дййре мечзйн аъ даеиебес"?

A.      We would have gotten home earlier if we have taken the bus

B.      We would get home earlier if we took the bus

C.      We would have gotten home earlier if we had taken the bus

D.      We would be getting home earlier, if we took the bus


3.  Translate the sentence "It's a nice neighborhood, unless it has changed" ц

A.      жаъ щлерд рзогд, ама ан лп дйа дщъръд

B.      жаъ щлерд рзогд, абм дйа дщъръд

C.      жаъ щлерд рзогд, ан дйа дщъръд

D.      жаъ дййъд щлерд рзогд, ан дййъд ощърйъ


4.  Translate the sentence "Should you ever feel in need, don't hesitate to call" ц

(жчеч мтжшд = in need , мдсс = to hesitate)

A.      аъд цшйк мдшвйщ щаъд жчеч мтжшд, ам ъдсс мдъчщш

B.      дан дшвщъ ай фтн щаъд жчеч мтжшд, ам ъдсс мдъчщш

C.      ан ай фтн ъшвйщ щаъд жчеч мтжшд, ам ъдсс мдъчщш

D.      ан ъцишк ай фтн мдшвйщ жчеч мтжшд, ам ъдсс мдъчщш



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